Have you ever wondered what it takes to master a new subject? Have you ever pondered why Silicon Valley is a hotbed for innovative startups? 

All these elements described are part of the day-to-day in Hacker Dojo, a place born from the SHDH — SuperHappyDevHouse Hackathon, in the very early days of hackathons in 2009, a group of people used to get together on Saturdays every six weeks. The transformation made the hackathon, from time to time, a way of life in everyday life, building a unique community that brought the attention of people like Yuri Panchul to start the Verilog Meetup. 

If you’re eager to immerse yourself in the energy and creativity of Silicon Valley, discover how the unique networking opportunities at the renowned Hacker Dojo are tailor-made for you.

People in Silicon Valley attend network events to meet people. The question could be how much is different the people in Silicon Valley.

At Hacker Dojo, people are open to more than just listening to your ideas. They are eager to hear them. Hacker Dojo is the place to make it happen whether you have a world-changing idea or want to learn from others.

Then, you find that sharing experiences is a learning experience for those who tell and listen to the story. Then, ideas are the food for thought and are one of the elements that make unique Silicon Valley. Hacker Dojo, located in the middle of Silicon Valley, is where people share and listen to ideas. To connect with people to build a community, you need to have events, and the events provide the environment needed to connect among all the ecosystem’s actors to make that idea start in a conversation, nurture with experiences, and record as knowledge.

Great conversations happen at any time and at any moment. In the Hacker Dojo, more conversations convert into great ideas that ignite action and start a company. Join the motivated people eager to accept the challenge to start a long trip to the unknown and bring a clear path to move forward.

Every weekend, a group of people curious about what an FPGA, an ASIC, and all the tools and techniques around are interested in learning how to become a person capable of designing a new chip to improve how to sense the human body, automate a manufacturing process, develop the next technology to improve artificial intelligence or travel to the space.

For the person interested in doing something new, visiting Hacker Dojo will be a learning experience like Henrik Büning from Hamburg, Germany, in an accidental discovery on his trip to Silicon Valley. Or you can be one of the hundred persons who come every month to events in Hacker Dojo to discover new technologies that are in their early stages and the future will be trending topics.

The Verilog Meetup found a great ground to seed and is working with people to learn how to build systems based on FPGAs, ASICs, and whatever else is needed to create new components for the future.