Embrace the exciting journey into the world of FPGA design. It’s easier than you think to get started!

Jumping to your first experience designing an application based on an FPGA looks daunting at first. So many elements are involved, from learning an FPGA to setting the configuration files to describe the inputs and outputs and converting the logic design into a working environment.

To initiate your journey, Yuri Pachul and a dedicated community of engineers have worked tirelessly to simplify the learning process. They’ve created a foundational structure that can be easily adapted to your FPGA board, ensuring accessibility for all. Whether you have easy access to boards or face budget and import restrictions, there’s a solution tailored for you.

Repositories like basics-graphics-music are treasure troves of knowledge and experience with meticulously structured documentation. These resources offer step-by-step software setup instructions, preparing your computer to run the first example on any of the 59+ boards.

The Verilog Meetup is an environment where people can learn about technology and participate actively in creating learning material. Its goal is to expand the knowledge of people interested in creating the new devices needed in health, aerospace, agriculture, and other areas. 

Be part of the community by working in the Hacer Dojo or connecting online to develop your skills and become the creator of the next big thing.